Below find resources that explain the concept of Simulated Apprenticeship:
- Bider, I., Henkel, M., Kowalski, S., Perjons, E. Simulating apprenticeship using multimedia in higher education: A case from the information systems field, Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 12(2), 2015.
- Bider, I., Henkel, M., Kowalski, S., Perjons, E. Teaching Enterprise Modeling Based on Multi-media Simulation: A Pragmatic Approach, MCETECH, 2015.
- Bider, I., Henkel, M. Using the structure of tacit knowing for acquiring a holistic view on IS field, Proceedings of the 11th IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2018 (IS 2018), 2018.
- Bider, I., Henkel, M. CBILE – A Case-Based Immersive Learning Environment, EDOCW 2018, 2018.
- Henkel, M., Bider, I. Creating Apprenticeship Simulations for Teaching Enterprise Modelling – Principles and Lessons Learned, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 57(24), 2020.